Mastery is not a function of genius or talent
But a function of time and intense focus
Imagine if you are able to
Learn One on One with a Master Practitioner
Reap the benefits of 40 years clinical experience
Learn from International Trainers at the top of their game
Our Polarity Master Classes are the way to go
£275 per day
Click/tap the headings below to explore your options
A master class is a unique opportunity to work on any aspects of Polarity Therapy theory and practice with a master. Pick any aspect of Polarity Therapy for in depth review such as: Elemental theory and bodywork, Nervous System Technique, or Structural Bodywork or elect to to use the time together for client supervision and case review.
1-4 day Masterclass
In Polarity Therapy, structural bodywork is done with the client lying on a bodywork table where the impact of gravity upon the structure is greatly reduced. However, the human body evolved in the active field of gravity and indeed many functions in the body are ‘gravity dependent.’ We will explore working the structure of the body in both the sitting and standing positions as well as working with the five keystone structures in the body.
1 Day Masterclass
Oscillatory body movement is explored in depth to induce different frequencies of harmonic vibrations in order to influence centrifugal energy flows in the body.
The body is not only designed to move it actually enjoys moving. When we are tense or stressed the body tightens, restricting its natural movement capabilities and inherent rhythm. As a result we feel ill at ease.
A Rajasic session is designed to move the body at its natural frequencies to unlock tension and holding patterns in the muscles and to stimulate the flow of Prana or life energy.
So often when people experience chronic pain in a part of their body they immobilize that part of the body as a defense. As a result complex layers of immobility are set up with accompanying anxiety. The mind is afraid of movement and the body has, in a sense, ‘forgotten’ how to move. Reminding the body of its movement capabilities is essential to healing. Not only does rhythmic movement increase mobility, it encourages the release of tension and holding to encourage better circulation, thus enabling the body to carry away held toxins into the area so any inhibition of the healing process is cleared.
“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”
Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing
2 day masterclass
An in depth exploration of a unique type of body reading that relates the spinal segments with the oval fields and gives insights into the individual’s expression of their identity into the world as it accords to the five elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth.
In the workshop the psychological effects of stress and the body's response to it are explored.
2 Day Masterclass
A cohesive multi-layered approach to restoring ease and comfort in the body
All clinical examinations whether done by a physiotherapist, osteopath, or massage therapist usually include some form of range of motion test. These tests look at the body's ability to move in 3-dimensional space i.e. can the client bend forward/backward, twist left/right, side bend left/right and can they shift left/right, forward/back and up/down. Normally, the various range of motion tests simply establish a baseline against which to evaluate therapeutic progress. What was realised by American osteopaths in the mid to late 1950s was that these test themselves, when used in a unique way, constitute an actual treatment methodology which has become known as "osteopathic functional technique," this gentle indirect technique works by finding and then combining the point of maximum ease in each of the 6 different ranges of motion that are available to the human body.
In essence the technique is concerned with creating a deep and profound sense of ease and comfort in the clients body. Functional technique is invaluable in acute and hyper acute cases where there is significant inflammation and where general manipulation is contra-indicated and the method can also succeed in chronic cases where other approaches have failed. You will learn to apply both "balance and hold" and "dynamic" methods. A study of functional technique will increase your palpation skills and abilities as well as enhance your therapeutic repertoire.
2 Day Masterclass
An Energy Based, Integrated Whole Body Approach that takes Reflexology to a whole new level
Holonomic Reflexology goes beyond the standard idea of foot and hand reflexes into the realm of a whole body of correspondences set up through sacred geometry, astrological influences and the doctrine of signatures, all sustained by energetic vibration.
Holonomic Reflexology provides a new perspective on the many reflex maps in Polarity Therapy offering a true "Sacred Cartography" of the human body.
Holonomic Reflexology involves working with conscious touch to connect a rich complex of reflexes that can unlock deep holding in the mind and body enabling the restoration of health.
Most therapeutic bodywork in the 21st century is still based upon old mechanical models of a ‘Clockwork Universe.’ A universe which is both materialistic and reductionist, where most interactions are linear cause and effect and in which the homogeneity principle, where output is proportional to input is dominant. Holonomic Reflexology is different in that it is rooted in the understanding that the universe is a vast network of inter-related systems and embraces the latest understandings in the science of complex adaptive systems
Most modern therapies fully embrace the interconnectedness of mind and body, Holonomic Reflexology goes further, utilising sacred geometry to facilitate human evolution.
Module 1
Explores the concept of energy, consciousness and awareness and the significance of three dimensional perception as well as the key concepts
Working to establish the framework of a Holonomic session, pulsing energy between two points to establish rhythm and harmony (coherence and standing waves) and how to work with three dimensional conscious touch as well as working with the Constitution and Holonomic Foot reflexology sessions. s
Module 2
A look in detail at the Cartographic maps of the human body and how to work specific reflexes using the concept of the ‘listening hand’.
The path of the evolutionary journey and how this can be advanced through the understanding and practical application of the workings of the 5 and 6 pointed stars.
4 Day Masterclass (can be done as two 2 day classes or a 4 day class)
In our days together we will open up the gateways of communication to our inner self through touch to re-establish that divine connection and enable us to listen to the still, quiet voice of the soul that so often is crowded out in our hectic life styles. We will also work to clear past experiences and ancestral imprinting that may be holding us back in this life.
This gift from the past represents a unique opportunity for our time.
Your workshop leader on this inner journey is Phil Young.
Phil was initiated into the ancient Huna Mua tradition in 1985. A series of profound and life shattering events resulted in an intense spiritual awaking that led him on a journey to the islands of Hawaii and New Zealand. The energy and soul of the islands facilitated an opening to a deep, hitherto unconscious opening to spirit and connection to the land. Phil has been moved to share this work at pivotal times since then. With the planet and all life facing a crisis point there is no more important time to do so than now.
3 day masterclass